I'm a Whistleblower of invisible Attacks, which are difficult to prove! Mind Control, Laser Weapons, em-Tortures (Microwaves, ELF-waves), organized Stalking, Bullying, Corruption, Decomposition, RFID-implants, induced body-sound, Ultra- and Infrasound, air waves/sounds and much more Vibrations (like Cars, motorcycles, trucks, Computer, Gangstalker behaviour), the voices of Gangstalker and from TV and movies.
Every Movements from what I see converted into sonicwaves by Laserweapon through my eyes.
Alteration, disguise, distortion, falsification, fraud, and deception is the world of "intelligence" agencies and their agents, the world full of mirrors!
faked Illuminati's play the whore Babylon, which is responsible for whoredoms and abominations on earth. Intel agencies are their servants.
Christians must suffer!
as TI I have a other order than remote-controlled suicide attackers/mass shooter because of law of weapons in germany, self Destruction. Life in Obamacare's Dead Zone is left terrorism (RAF, ISIS) to give me a RFID-tag and MKultra for cemetary and anonymous burial!
MK-Ultra and the RFID-Implant:
Disturbance of memory, discrediting by aberrant behaviour, alteration of sex patterns, eliciting of information, suggestibility, creation of dependence, and Sabotage of property and financial budget for debt.
V2K: hearing of Microwave (GPS, WLAN, Mobile, Radio, Bluetooth) is for distraction, manipulation, inciting / sedition and hounding!
#CIA #Stasi #Clones hang in my past because the artificial intelligence by RFID implant assigned my skills only ones and zeros, mixed with statistics (past).
So all abilities are assigned zeros, but via bullying positively used for bounty hunters and money.
For me as innocent is worthwhile in the past, but for my traitors it is a matter of time until they get what they deserve.
Illuminati, secret Agencies and Gangstalkers imitate mainly fairy tale and faith, twist everything, so that everything is transformed into evil, have a twisted logic and sabotage especially the finances of their victims!
What is HumanTrafficking?
National Human Trafficking Hotline
Twitter: enslavedAngel
Twitter: GundolfMatheus (german Account)
youtube: Gundolf Matheus
Facebook: GundolfMatheus
I love so much Simona Halep <3
Anonymous - Illuminati Song
Anonymous: Message to Antifa and all The Blinded Youths
synthesize me, make me your love and hate machine and i can serve you better
Arch Enemy - We Will Rise
Fler - Das alles ist Deutschland (feat. Bushido)
Funker Vogt - Arising Hero (escaped his mental prison)
Funker Vogt - Sick Man
that's for Stalker (EM-weapons for overkill like the Knife)
Santa hates You - Hexenpolizei (Illuminati)
Früher SCHLACHTER, heute VEGAN: 3 ehemalige Fleischer packen aus 😲
Also with me!
#StopChildAbuse #SaveTheGirls #StopChildLabor #StopChildTrafficking
Illuminati trahit vos mea de vita!
in nomine de iudices, Illuminati veniat mea naturalis in silentio!
eam destructa non anima mea!
Cor meum est fortisFortitudo mea bonum est
Fortis animus
corpus meum est mundum
meus animus insons
electronic harassment:
Those behind these programs help to create assassins and vegetables, conflicts and conspiracies, attractions or aversions, successes or failures, and all as an
experiment for political and economic advantage and control corruptible court and law enforcement official.
For psych experts used in court proceedings, freeing the guilty and branding the innocent are well known practices.
the psyche texts (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders from American Psychiatric Association) were prepared and vetted by agency psychiatrists to allow their colleagues to continue testing or use them to silence anyone speaking the harsher truths. Terms such as brainwashing and paranoid schizophrenia were, in fact, penned by spy agency psychiatrists principally to brand victims of covert harassment as being deranged and therefore not to be believed or trusted.
CIA Clones sexually motivated sadistic psychopaths, which however no longer find satisfaction, because I as copy on their PC dulled them!
Stasi and Gangstalker reel off their GDR-Program from 1984-1989 as I worked in the wallpaper-factory, Kaufland is psychologically seen as West Berlin! West Berlin was operational area. Teenagers imitate discos in the GDR, railway station Forst represent railway station Zoo (drugscene, children line). Level crossing in Forst to represent the wall or floodgate for agents (Glienicke Bridge, Checkpoint Charlie), by the implant the Gangstalker were programmed.
Illuminati, Stasi, Torturer, Gangstalker, Bullies, Terrorists and AntiFa you live in a sick and criminal world that is incompatible with my, they suffer absolutely under echopraxia, schizophrenia and paranoia, profile neurosis and craving for recognition, Narcissistic personality disorder, Cognitive dissonance, Munchausen syndrome, Psychosis, neurosis and an inferiority complex, because they are unwanted in society worldwide (very serious criminals)! they are oversized children with criminal past and asocial. differential association!
in the GDR staged sonic torture due espionage (demonstratively proved today by officially negative behavior of Stasi informants / traitors), activated electrochemical signals in the brain that lead to muscle tension, intensified by alcohol. Since 1998, the parasympathetic nervous system was activated, which ensures that this tension are reduced. Sound induction mimics this sound torture of the GDR and fought the self-healing mechanism since 2008 reinforced by the implant! All this is intended to represent sensory overload! the night shift of perps to give their mental garbage and generate new phrases to look smarter!
MKultra, Mindcontrol, RemoteControl, CointelPro and EM-weapons necessary to me for Indexing by Sound the Autoimmune-Disease Myasthenia.
Stalker from the distance with the EM-weapons are absolutely ugly and jealous of my body and appearance with 50-years, so that mayhem and mutilation project this on my inner self-healing process, spreading these lies, especially to online Trolls while they dont know the reality!
I have won at least two great victories:
1. discovery of Decomposition, MKultra and EM weapons
2. prevention of snuff videos for extortion.
1. discovery of Decomposition, MKultra and EM weapons
2. prevention of snuff videos for extortion.
Hitman / Sniper like my torturers, terrorists and stalkers always occupy an elevated position! This is my experience!
evil slander/false statements, severe coercion and extortion by pederasts aka Stasi and their torturer and AntiFa by espionage and turture. the confirmation of this secretly accusations and slanders is the motive against me until murder!
therefore confession extortion at night for the next day for Stasi Snitches, gang Stalker and pimps!
Terrorists, Childabuser and Junkies programmed only for Counterintelligence by Torture with MKultra, Abuse, Carstalker, Sabotage and Vandalism against me!
#AntiFa #Stasi #HVA
In today’s COINTEL Program, one of the FBI’s favorite soft kill tactics is to label targeted individuals as pedophiles, rapists, sexual deviants or "mentally unstable" in order to isolate and destroy them!
Info: FBI Stasi CointelPro and Zersetzung
#GermanHaters #ChristianHaters #Fascists #Zionists
White Power white Brothers and Sisters
George Soros and Liberals (true Fascists)
Verzerrtes Wesen der Menschheit
Gaslighting by Terrorists, Abuser, Junkies, AntiFa and Stasi Stalkers
Gaslighter and narcissists
self-styled Illuminati secret Agencies and Society (Bullies)
Zersetzung Gang Stalking
AntiFa and my Clones
Antifa gefördert und instrumentalisiert von Medien und Parteien
NSA Military PsyOP
Illuminati Stasi will have many Followers (Gangstalker and nazi-youth)
Stasi / DDR - Organisiertes Stalking in Deutschland - Stalking heute
American Stasi with Gang Stalking
Netzflüsterer: bezahlte Mitarbeiter die unter falschem Namen in Internet-Foren und sozialen Netzwerken Meinung machen!
Die neuen Methoden der Mafia
Organized Gang Stalking/Electronic Harassment is:
Intentional infliction of extreme emotional stress to force target into having suicidal/homicidal thoughts as the only means of escape/self defense. Electronic trafficking of men, women, and children. Converting cities and the country into an electronic concentration camp. Not a new concept. Same tactics used in FBI Cointelpro, Project Monarch, MK Ultra, Stasi Police in East Germany, Nazi Brownshirts, the KKK, and Pro-life/anti-abortion activists. Similar tactics used on corporate whistleblowers and in academia (workplace mobbing). Also similar tactics used in ejecting tenants of rent controlled apartments in high rent areas.
“Slow Kill”. A death machine, Conspiracy to murder. Serial murder, Terrorism. Domestic and Global, psychological/physical/sexual abuse and torture, a.k.a. “No-touch torture”, A Global Hate Crime, A Technological Holocaust. A Silent Holocaust. An “Open Air” concentration camp. A crucifixion by technology and social justice. A Coup. Covert war. Psychological warfare. Non-consensual human experimentation. A complete violation of Civil and Human Rights. A complete invasion of every millimeter of your privacy. A culling. A means to depopulation and human slavery. Mass murder. Objective to create a police state/open air concentration camp/prison. Depopulation, global sustainability, Agenda 21. An attempt to institutionalize, imprison, and/or murder “undesirables” via conspiracy to murder and provoke suicide; to neutralize and destroy the target’s life. 24/7/365 Illegal tracking and surveillance in public and in private (including inside home) initiated by US intelligence agencies (FBI, CIA, DOD, DOJ, NSA, DHS, IRS, DEA, SOD), US military, and law enforcement, NSA Prism for the purpose of “joint targeting”. Target may be scrutinized for years (“nothing is unimportant”) before they realize it. Organized harassment by hate, criminal, and secret society groups including Nazis, KKK, Satanists, Organized crime syndicates (Mafia, biker gangs, Cartels, Street gangs), Cults, Freemasons, Terrorist cells (Isis, etc.).
Electronic weapons and gang stalking are technologies and methods used by (national) secret services, (secret) societies and supported by governments!
What is modern slavery?
Terrifying Anonymous Message, Red Code (Obama NWO)
Wilfried Schmickler - Die Gier
Gutmensch und wie funktioniert dessen Gehirn!
Oberschicht in pädophile Netzwerke verstrickt
an online bully is getting trolled by an alleged #Anonymous hacker
What is Gangstalking-Terrorist Watch List - In-Community No-Touch Torture Coward Program
NWO, Illuminati, Stasi and their Torturer with Gang Stalker against me!
ABC News 'Couple Harassed with Organized Gang Stalking Noise Harassment Campaign'
robbery, expulsion and dispossession?!
Der Staat - Die gefährlichste Sekte der Welt
Mind Control versklavt Körper und Gehirne von Henning Witte
Gangstalking caught on tape (with me the same every day, nothing career, but suicide)
Voice 2 skull (V2K) weapons
“The Voice of God” – Weaponized Mind Control Frequency Technology Info
Humantraffickers - Stasi, (east bloc) mafia and their Slaves
mindcontrol and gangstalking with harassment until murder!
Wer tötete David Crowley
Community organized no touch torture
called gang Stalking
Online Government Trolls Have Infiltrated the Internet
Die Deutsche Justiz richtet sich selbst
(die Kinderklau-Mafia)
So I am shot around the clock by EM-weapons from secret services, Stasineighbors and Gangstalkers!
for secret services, the Stasi and their Gangstalking network against the TI's
therefore everything is stolen from me, cloned and imitated to shot back as synthetic Sickness!
TransNorway - Euro TRANNY MIND CONTROL and the NWO LGBT Agenda
NSU - Die verbotene Wahrheit
So wird "Demokratie" verbreitet: Massenmord für die "Freiheit" (Anschlag auf World-Trade-Center vermutlich inszeniert durch CIA, FBI und Mossad usw.)
Hartz IV - Sollen sie doch verrecken!
(Ich bin Langzeitarbeitslos infolge der Stasi und ihren Folterknechten mit EM-waffen und Mobbing, auch kein 1€ Job möglich)
(Ich bin Langzeitarbeitslos infolge der Stasi und ihren Folterknechten mit EM-waffen und Mobbing, auch kein 1€ Job möglich)
Stasi 3.0 - Gangstalking, Zersetzung, EM-Waffen, Terror, Folter und Mord
bei mir wird es als Therapie (Stasimedizin) verwendet wegen der Stasiakte, dem operativen Prozess (noch nicht abgeschlossen) und politischen und wirtschaftlichen Interessen der Stasi.
Magnetic Mind Control (inofficial generated by EM-weapons)
Grüne Kinderschänder
Anonymous Killuminati
Stasi & CIA: As a political prisoner I symbolically carry a number that you received in the Nazi-Concentrationcamp.
This is 6662804.
I am a victim of Stasi Mindcontrol, medical decomposition (operative psychology) and organized stalking with reputational damage including home and work ban (house arrest, work-platform mobbing and -degradation), medical malpractices and criminalization. The prime objective of the Stasi is the extortion to sexual abuse of children in order to disguise the political persecution as a christian, activist and peacemaker, because I can therefore not be arrested.
The humans becomes what they despises by betraying the understanding, compassion, honesty and love. It causes anger and chaos.
Like as Stasi-Spies
Cyberbullying forms of:
Insults and invectives
Tease and make fun of
Dissemination of lies and rumors
Put under pressure, blackmail and threaten
Spread embarrassing photos and videos
I am not a person for blackmailing and mind control and do not let me fool. Torture by DEW's does not help either. Also on feelings, emotions or other brain dependent processes I am not dependent.
Because of drunkenness and drugs successful sabotage of my property! #Spies #AntiFa live high through self-profiling, boasting and absolute stupidity.
Communists, Leftists and Liberals buy a positive image through illegally acquired funds and then play off the society against each other. Torture, violence and murder are also allowed. #Corruption #Indoctrination #Pedocriminality #Drugs
EM-weapons: Low frequencies (electromagnetic and electric fields over power lines) kills you through cardiac arrest, and brain damage with me to support by RFIDtag.
Spies as Junkies are screaming Mobbers and Bullies (also by me through the body), acting as Informers of State Police who receive bonuses by faking my daily motion profile.
What I do privately is fatal to me all over the world, but I do not hurt anyone, unlike the perpetrators and terrorists who rape me every day.
eSpionage: each team of the 3 layers of bulgars and stalkers (Spies) has to prove itself every day how great it is and increase its criminal activities. Competition, envy and jealousy serve as motive and motivation.
I have prevent my sacrifice as child in the former GDR by Stasi and other secret agencies through my behaviour by doing the opposite, what the Stasi suggested to me psychologically. See operative psychology #Zersetzung, it belongs among other things, to rape and abuse at that time of my age (children, adolescents).
Spies and their Stasi-Network, I recommend suicide via hanging, to be able to remove my healthy organs for donations and/or to eat them as cannibals. #SatanicMedicine #PedoGate #Hollywood #Illuminati
#AntiFa #Leftwings #LeftRadicals #Autonomous are against capitalism and especially against work, but want / need #drugs #alcohol #money #cars #foods but that are all capitalist goods -.-
very stupid Spies and GangStalker imitate real deadly accidents they watch on medias to intimidate and paralyze me. #AntiFa #Drugs #PedoCriminals
Nazis (Hitler, Gestapo, Waffen-SS and SA) under drugs wanted to conquer the whole world #NWO. Stasi is synonymous. Today it is continued by intelligence agencies (fascists under drugs and alcohol and abused childrens) and their agents! #Illuminati
AntiFa spies interfere in my life as if they had something to say. Very high aggression and violence potential due to lack of work and friends, associal life at the expense of others, cheat funders such as the state and its citizens!
The origin of the spies does not matter, because they are active for the NWO and that is communism and thus antifascists. But capitalism is not fascism if done properly!
Staged (fatal) accident with me as a cyclist and a truck from Ukraine by homosexual child molester aka Spies.
Sociopaths, Psychopaths, Egoists and Narcists are always right and always do everything right, no matter what they do!
Spies for gang-Stalkers, Hackers and Bullies in deep Web:
Hate Speech, Revenge Porn, Violence, Drugs and Trolling.
BfV systematically transfers the personal data of german residents to the NSA, CIA and seven other members of the U.S. Intelligence Community.
As victim of EM-weapons and MK-ultra I am automatically the most hounded and unwanted person of the earth. Stasi-File is only a distraction.
Spies are only fixed on male Stalkers b/c of Drug Dealers and Human Traffickers, they are women-haters and -thugs.
Woman and young girls/female childrens against me by Bullying, Stalking and eSpionage (Stasi File) worldwide!
Spies are brainwashed and under MKultra, not the TI's they get only torture, manipulations and suggestions.
All TI's
are supposed to be pedophiles and child molesters because they are the
worst perps in the eyes of the society, to divert from forbidden
pressure gangs and snowball systems, thugs, human traffickers, pimps and
drug dealers!
Nazi-Propaganda by CIA-Stasi Clones play the role as medical staff, but in my flat, also in society, out of controlled RNM-attacks for self-destruction (suicide). They can't understand my world and distinguish my and their life (artificial intelligence).
Stasi-Spies and Stalkers are very far down in the food chain of the CIA, since the RFIDtag which I received they want to shine and rise
What Are The Dangers of Artificial intelligence? #AI
Artificial intelligence controls autonomous weapons which in the wrong hands (intelligence agencies, drug mafia) could be programmed to kill the wrong people. In an arms race, this technology could lead to AI War resulting in mass causalities. Worry about the machinery falling into the wrong hands means they are created to be almost impossible to turn off meaning humans lose control of them. This risk grows as levels of AI increases.
Miami: a hotbed of drug use, trafficking and violence by cartels and gangs. I was there in 2009 and should be in this underground. Spies/Stalker from drug cartel had not prevented this. Today I get into false laughter when they see reports about it, so they are angry that it did not work. Betrayer, Liars, Slanderers, German haters and Ignorers!
Hundreds arrested as Canadian police smash worldwide paedophile ring. naked boys shot in Romania, Ukraine, Germany.
Network of child porn allegedly started in Toronto sex-film business
The goal of the Stasi file, spread worldwide as Bullying, can no longer be fulfilled since 2006. the secret murder by MKultra is the new goal, but is hidden behind the old goal. CIA Stasi Clones act only after commands and programs, which were planned for a week in advance, and therefore only everything from me copy off to fake advantages. So murder after command and computer controlled EM weapons.
Parents' house was more of a conspiratorial apartment of the Stasi, where happened constantly IM-meeting, disguised as celebrations, to recruit me. My apartment in the Spremberger Str., especially the couch, is sabotaged as if I were sitting in Eulo at the Stasi-IM-meeting, where was computer, TV and music not allowed.
Christian persecution and discrimination are mainly about treating me like a little child by torture as in the middle Ages! #LinksFascism
Laser, microwaves, sound, RFID implant, MKultra, CointelPro, Decomposition, gangstalking and bullying worldwide are the weapons against me!
the task of scrap-communists is to constantly repeat themselves by limiting imitation of my life by artificial Intelligence, V2K and Stalking.
I must always hasty leave the supermarket and my kitchen, since CIA-Stasi-Clones are too stupid, lazy and sick. So arises Sabotage.
CIA/Stasi Clones play through espionage the Gangstalkers and Bullies against each other to cover up the murder of me!
Speech patterns is based on cognitive, emotional and physiological processes that are falsified by EM-weapons to confess offenses. that resembles a confession that is being blackmailed by Offenses: Child rape, assaults, robbery and theft.
by Bullying and different Stalkers and generated symptoms I am daily something else: mentally ill, child molester, terrorist or racist!
RNM-system with continuous rotation and/or cover up my intelligent and truthful analysis of the Stasi torturers/childmolesters and rapists; they mutate to rapist and/or killer by overstimulation (stress) through my life, therefore all blocked or sabotaged!
they rush me to the Gangstalker for counterintelligence (at least 10 times of week into the city).
Illuminati Stasi and their torturer are egomaniac the abuse especially children and use that against me!
#psychopath #sociopath #stalker
Physics of the Junkies (Hippies), Anti-Germans, Child-Rapists and Gays, sabotage the Sky subscription through subtle commands via laser with ELF (endless loop until the contract is no longer affordable).
Junkies and child fuckers destroyed my DVD-recorder, cover-up by large mouth about V2K and faked positive cloned EEG; but implanted tantrum of the Clones! permanent destruction and subsequent financial sabotage! always the same programs in the evening shift.
It is not about power and control, but to play with me and to (sexual) rape for psychosexual satisfaction!
Goal: Exposure, Humiliation and Emasculation by dutch Stalker and Psychopaths with DEW's, they have eg. delusional belief system!
dutch gay-Stalker and Rapists need around the clock attention, to conceal anger and morbid jealousy, harmlessness and inferiority complex, therefore try by torture and (sex.) abuse to penetrate in my world in order to suppress me to gain control of my life to destroy that!
Illuminati Database of supercomputer is built absolutely illogical, cause only damage by remote control system and a few minutes, sometimes days or weeks later, disimprovement as supposed improvement / reparation.
This database generated from logical and healthy analysis of me, later phrases as essays which in turn are illogical and bring everything up. all in loops without end, thats CointelPro against the torturer itself!
I get only remote controlling and interference signals for counterespionage and distraction of harmless gang stalker the fooling me as well.
the symptoms of torture and violence are only for blackmailing male minors to sexual abuse, probably in Eulo.
Accusations by Stasi-Bullies:
lazy and comfortable, thick, depressed and suicidal disposition, Schizophrenia, suffering from delusions of persecution, gay but gay hostile, Pedophiles, a sex offender, thief and arsonist, a terrorist, right-wing, do not stress resistant and unteachable, have worked in the GDR for the Stasi, etc.
with red T-shirts, pants or cars in terms of laser/thermal imaging
surveillance equal BigBrother is watching you! Illuminati and Stasi
microwaves and laser heated tissue for thermal imaging (for generation of cardiac arrest, cancer or tumor ?!)
microwaves and laser heated tissue for thermal imaging (for generation of cardiac arrest, cancer or tumor ?!)
Stalker, Terrorists, Rapists and Hitman with EMweapons and Implant killing my brain, muscles and genital-area/penis.
at raping sabotage of porn-videos by laser through eyes and the remote-controller because he see too much snuff-videos (sensory overload)!
at raping clamped spermatic duct by cavitation bubbles and cooled acorn by Laser with air-waves, daily torture-programs (Looping)!
gay stalker (illiterate) with EM-weapons and the RFID-implant, destruction of my property since 10/2014 and newly purchased equipment (notebook, PayTV, TV & VCR) and clothes as so-called gifts! Robbery, debt creation, Brain-control, torture, rape to murder! psychological and virtual love relationships is degenerated into abysmal hatred for lack of realistic relationship!
brain, heart, vertical striped and striated muscles is braced by a healthy lifestyle since 2008, is fatal, because everything is connected for tenseness. that's Illuminai/Stasi medicine!
healthy Analysis before 2010 from me, artificial intelligence used that today against me! #autoimmunity #deadly
am being persecuted and defamed here by druggies, but also by several
prostitutes (female) posing as victims and girls uniting and defaming me
behind my back. It's like a sympathy ploy to make me look like a
pervert and an sexual offender!
Gangstalkers and their Attackers (torturer, rapists and terrorists)
your arrogance: inability to recognize the limits of what is permissible
or appropriate equal loss of reality!
nazi-youths are jack-booted government thugs (look at google for), especially in 03149 Forst and also brandenburg/berlin.
induced gay-laughing/physics for mockery, ridicule, abhorrence, revulsion, contempt, hate, disfigurement and exposure!
torturer, terrorists, protozoon, junkies and illiterate reel off the same stupid programs every day by implanting counterfeit videos and audio files. harmless and boring!
before October 2014 I was able to write sensibly. After that, everything is copied, twisted and falsified by data-anaylser from torture-team, to use it against me, so that I look stupid and the synthetic intelligence is smarter as I.
the database connected with EM-weapons generates sentences and phrases based on my thoughts and words from the past, hearing by voice to skull and noticeable by implanted behaviour.
bombardment at the floor
of the kitchen and living room with strong infra-sound after my move
2012 so that arises much more impact noise for inducing into my body,
the implant was so hold in stomach!
Laser and ELF through the stomach to the brain makes important functions and produces permanently depressed mood, listlessness and apathy.
Spontanity helps to expose deceptions and murderous intents emanating from torturers terrorists, Rapists and (serial) killers, then who are angry, therefore as next the attacks by induced sounds.
Microwaves from the outside through Stasi neighbors heat the organs and tissues which sound-waves created (expansion due to heating and cooling in the initial state).
Spontanity helps to expose deceptions and murderous intents emanating from torturers terrorists, Rapists and (serial) killers, then who are angry, therefore as next the attacks by induced sounds.
Microwaves from the outside through Stasi neighbors heat the organs and tissues which sound-waves created (expansion due to heating and cooling in the initial state).
Torturers, terrorists and Rapists smoke too much grass, so impotent and infertile (noticeably by implanted videos for destructive behaviour), induce me as a reflection and punishment.
only psychosexual gratification through physical torture and murder!
only psychosexual gratification through physical torture and murder!
Psychotherapy as false Flag, but torturer, Stalker, rapists, terrorists, psychopaths and Killer live out sick sadistic murder fantasies, life preservation is less interesting for them as sabotage, terror attacks and murder desires!
I am not crazy and schizophrenic, that's false flag and discredit!
In my flat the organized Stalker (nazi-youth) get faked positive sounds by Indoctrination, agitation and bullying because Stasi need money by me!
NSA Prism Database with my Stasi Dossier included since birth connected with EM-weapons, but without snuff-videos about sexual abuse of children, therefore punishment by torture and combat of brain to virtual manipulate me into a status of a 14-year old as street-kid, but my so-called clones from CIA are recruited as junkie and child-abuser have that status.
I am a reflection of these clones.
Targeted Individuals as target by secret agencies and other targeted persons by criminal networks (drug cartels and human traders) take out the torture and prevent crimes (sexual abusing of minors), provoked by Stasi with their organized Stalking network worldwide!
attackers and their Stasi network (male perps, works for espionage
together) are envious of my penis and potency b/c they come not
realistic to suck, they force me to smoking a cigarette at sexual act to
induce faked impotence every day and week and so on, for discredit,
mockery, disgrace and blackmailing but to win trust of Stasi snitches if
they bugging me!
#agitation #revenge #jealousy #wrath
Attackers believe they weaken me by and I will shattered through the Bullying and discredit.
Bullies and Stalkers worldwide you use my skills, dreams, wishes and positive thoughts from past until today yet against me to deceive me and to destroy me slowly!
by Bullying worldwide I am pedocriminal and homosexual, especially I should to turn on female and male little children and minors!
girls mimic my sister (age to 14) in the GDR running away while fear of sexual abusing, male minors waiting on me for intimate contact.
Stasi changed their attacks while I wrote that above, many girls now attacking me for delusions because I shall to be homosexual!
witness worldwide from me will be discredit and converted into Bullies and Stalkers by Stasi and secret services (as my attackers).
I am ridiculed, vilified and criticized by worldwide organized Bullies and Stalkers.
in 03149 Forst Euloer Str. 154 (near of parents-house Euloer Str. 150a) presumably
stationed the killer-team with EM-weapons like by me in other
district (near of Spremberger Str. 48) and at Downtown (Kaufland, Church, Town Hall) gives for me a 3-Phases Array over the city!
global espionage, EM-weapons, supercomputers, bullying, Slander campaign and discrediting against my person has absolute priority, goes until murder!
Gangstalker gesteuert
durch Polizei, Kripo und Strafverfolgungsbehörden, als wäre ich ein
Schwerstverbrecher (z.B. Terrorist, Kinderschänder, Dieb, Räuber,
Einbrecher und Rechtsradikal)
Gangstalkers as criminals, terrorists and faked secret agents use hand-signals (from Police, Law Enforcement etc.) for harassment/terror to win trust to commit crimes by their victims.
The signals has nothing to do with the real and healthy world of targeted Individuals (do not take personally)!
I have tested the Stasi, Gangstalkers and their nazi-youth only programmed onto hate, violence and physical attacks, but sham of positives because they do not represent and accept my interests = Dictatorship of GDR!
my alleged thoughts, which are spread into the society aren't realistic my, but are synthetic and implanted by EM-weapons, most by ELF-waves and cloned EEG, typical for TI's!
my muscles decrease no more stress, but only induced (body-)sound waves like air through infiltration and imitation of natural relaxation rhythm!
Infiltration especially at sleep by laser (like soldering bolt) the induced sound waves has formed a tube system above the muscles as imitation of naturally relaxation.
Gangstalkers mimic much of my personal life by espionage, so are my torturer precisely through infiltration!
in front of shift change torturer, rapists, gays, male prostitute, drug dealers and child molesters see snuff videos (sexual abuse of children), the project into me with erectile dysfunction and impotence!
If I am raped then they are more than agitated, fearfull and hateful, make mistakes and Carstalker be activated immediately, as Stasi Stalker for wiretapping.
hacking my social media accounts, sabotaging my life, converting in a joke, upload photoshopped images, memes and jokes, intimidating social media propaganda.
upload all kinds of comic material directed towards me?
I get a bad name and image!
my sensation, perception, emotion, and behavior is disturbed by pulsed ultra-sonic through the brain by EM-weapons.
my truths and the inner nature are discredited in order to continue to create and propagate the lies, from Stasi network worldwide with their torturer and rapists! #terrorism
my sensation, perception, emotion, and behavior is disturbed by pulsed ultra-sonic through the brain by EM-weapons.
my truths and the inner nature are discredited in order to continue to create and propagate the lies, from Stasi network worldwide with their torturer and rapists! #terrorism
dutch secret agencies with connections to red-light / drug scene particularly extreme Sadomasochists with torture, violence and rape under the guise of medicine against me, this Sadomasochists live in a virtual relationship with me #Jealousy #Possession #Stalking #Terrorism
cannibal police and frankensteins because they see my organs every day to torture that.
torturers, rapists, terrorists and their criminal StasiStalkers beat first too with torture, violence and rape with impotence, when it is dark because of their offenses (drug and human trafficking, pimping, rape and sacrifice of children, etc.), stupidity and ugliness!
On the day I see mostly good-looking, educated or cultivated Stalker were indoctrinated only for one order and then do not show up, because I must have the physically ill effect (body and facial mutilation equal pre-aging process by induced sound), on day less visible in public, except for authorities such the job centers, and in the dark only spread by recording videos, also the sabotage of private and intimate sphere).
On the day I see mostly good-looking, educated or cultivated Stalker were indoctrinated only for one order and then do not show up, because I must have the physically ill effect (body and facial mutilation equal pre-aging process by induced sound), on day less visible in public, except for authorities such the job centers, and in the dark only spread by recording videos, also the sabotage of private and intimate sphere).
attackers, torturer, rapists and terrorists live in a fantasy world the is real for them to induce that only on my aura. also implantation of cutted or falsified videos of healthy behaviour modulated on ELF-waves for negative behaviour.
that is too trivial for me.
they are trapped in a prison because public is forbidden, probably.
PayTV like Sky (Free TV I do not see, too sick) is limited or blocked due to reality, capitalism (Illuminati are Communists and Socialists) and nonexistent gestures of betrayer from Stasi and Gangstalkers.
Torturers and terrorists are only focused on espionage and torture, therefore PayTV and movies on computer uninteresting or unimportant, except porns for rape and blackmailing, they only serve to distract and production and induction of collecting mania as service agencies collect data on the population, see NSA (to skim of the global Internet).
Torturers and terrorists are only focused on espionage and torture, therefore PayTV and movies on computer uninteresting or unimportant, except porns for rape and blackmailing, they only serve to distract and production and induction of collecting mania as service agencies collect data on the population, see NSA (to skim of the global Internet).
Trauma-induced amnesia by induced sound against the muscles and organs
(imitation of many organ movement, physical self-destruction),
especially against sexual organs (Extortion to rape of children, to consider only virtually but for punishment), and EM
weapons against the brain, so the rape can not be prevented, and I get the status of a street child like in the GDR (only for mobbing and discrediting by underground as a motive like terrorists, mafia and gangstalkers). everything is based on
the Stasi file and the operational process which, inter alia, involves
the abuse of children.
Medically seen a rare and unknown form of amnesia, since offenders impersonate doctors and therapists since 2006, to protect themselves.
The Remote Neural Monitoring system has been adapted to my past, for example, mixed words in sentences and induced about ELF-waves and microwaves, just cutted videos with sound. It is tested my brain to allow new words for the database to voice to skull and to update the operational process of verbal terror.
Everything is stolen, analyzed and imitated!
I will killed later certainly by satellites, they are like drones!
Medically seen a rare and unknown form of amnesia, since offenders impersonate doctors and therapists since 2006, to protect themselves.
The Remote Neural Monitoring system has been adapted to my past, for example, mixed words in sentences and induced about ELF-waves and microwaves, just cutted videos with sound. It is tested my brain to allow new words for the database to voice to skull and to update the operational process of verbal terror.
Everything is stolen, analyzed and imitated!
I will killed later certainly by satellites, they are like drones!
OPERATION BANISH WARNING! LIES EXCUSES And COVER For Organized Stalking & Electronic Harassment!
Organized Gang Stalking (CULTS)
guys under 27 are very mentally sick, break up the school / teaching, are too stupid and lazy to work, violent and criminal. Parasites and Scroungers!
implantation of alzheimer and dementia to force me to search of important files and or documents
#humiliation #abasement #compromising
I have since 2006, the Stasi network and their torturers (my Attackers) seriously injured and they are now angry and take revenge, also they are sexual sadists like the Gangstalkers and Bullies worldwide!!!
useless/senseless countermeasures against sonic-weapon with strong modulated pressure/air waves by implanted
behaviour from my past!
attackers are fucking their own falsified
police, fire workers and ambulance bugging me while they must think I get a career as planned in the former GDR but they comes by crimes, fire raising and deadly sickness or suicide attempts, thats Stasi- and Telemedicine and serves only to defend their criminal machinations against me!
Censorship in disabled private/intimate sphere for Gangstalkers to send little girls to me for kidnapping and sexual abusing! #Illuminati
Attackers and the Stasi network change every day their stupid RNM-program either with little girls or little boys?! thats operative process and against my truth, rights and analysis based on my past equal false play with the victim!
Tips against Gangstalking:
Be careful - pay attention to your soul when you should be concerned by Gangstalking! Let neither rape nor abuse, manipulate or mislead somehow! Keep against that, you remain steadfast! Stay yourself! Do not bend! Something about you disturb the perpetrators organization so much that they want to change that. You knights, because if such people (as a rabble) want to change one, then you know that you were previously on the right path and had seemingly done something right!
Be careful - pay attention to your soul when you should be concerned by Gangstalking! Let neither rape nor abuse, manipulate or mislead somehow! Keep against that, you remain steadfast! Stay yourself! Do not bend! Something about you disturb the perpetrators organization so much that they want to change that. You knights, because if such people (as a rabble) want to change one, then you know that you were previously on the right path and had seemingly done something right!
are satanic and obsessed, try their victims to control and dominate,
supporting instances of evil monitoring and terror systems!
ending loops by RNM-system and V2K to convert criminal
investigations/psychology from me into operative psychology against me!
homosexual physics and little terrorist attacks in loops every single day for physical murder on time, thats worldwide espionage, and remote neural monitoring, voice to skull, implantation of cloned EEG and faked videos for misbehaviour.
homosexual physics and little terrorist attacks in loops every single day for physical murder on time, thats worldwide espionage, and remote neural monitoring, voice to skull, implantation of cloned EEG and faked videos for misbehaviour.
Stalker-team with EM-weapons are undesirable in society.
reproductive organs fought and paralyzed (revenge, envy and hatred),
vocal cords and speech center of brain influenced to silence me!
girls play with my feelings like my sister and other girls in the GDR ;)
stay cool about it and love you nonetheless and not take badly the
girls me to deceive and to be only honey traps and an hoax b/c isn't
their blame!
Guys have dangerous negative energy for me, especially the under 27
years until baby. I'll go those out of the way, at least I try it !!!
I love so much Girls under 27 years without sexual Intensions, their near enough for me!!!
from Stalking as psychological warfare to murder! Stalker have an unpredictable goal, they change them constantly, adopted on the victims!
and DEW-guided eyes acts like an truth-drug as child abuser for
confirmation to the Stasistalkers and Bullies worldwide!
female old Stasi snitches and Gangstalker (Imitat of my faked mother, most with little gilrs) like deadly toxic snakes, their poisoning attempts shall destroy my devices and body! #Revenge from GDR
female old Stasi snitches and Gangstalker (Imitat of my faked mother, most with little gilrs) like deadly toxic snakes, their poisoning attempts shall destroy my devices and body! #Revenge from GDR
I must see economic criminals for suggestion a career to me but where are the Stasi thugs, drug-dealers and traffickers? concealed certainly!
single day the same shit, forced masturbation to bait Stasistalkers,
pimps and Traffickers, when they appear, broken up by induced
Impotence at least 7 times on day, except at night for forced labor and commit crimes.
#Discredit #Baring #Blackmailing
victims of (organized) stalkers (so my attackers secretly) will be defenseless and
powerless feel by torture, violence, coursing and psychological/physical warfare, extends to
equal murderer are most young peoples under 27 years with (secretly)
weapons, they have negative childhood (abusing, bullying, drugs and
alcohol, mental sickness etc.)!
victims of (organized) stalkers (so my attackers secretly) will be defenseless and
powerless feel by torture, violence, coursing and psychological/physical warfare, extends to
Stalkers equal murderer are most young peoples under 27 years with (secretly) weapons, they have negative childhood (abusing, bullying, drugs and alcohol, mental sickness etc.)!
my attackers and Stasi thugs by agitation to hazard the consequences the destroying of my right eye by programmed attack against eyeglasses.
motive, but cover-up, was a honeytrap with hot pants while smoking.
Stasi pigs and thugs play with me and use my intelligence against me, I am 50 and no longer need this because of Mindcontrol and Deprogramming. I'm used to it and it already prepared everything, it's missing only a sexual crime by me.
Gangstalking - Definitions:
Counterintelligence is the assessment and countering of threats posed by enemy subversion, espionage, and sabotage. Counterintelligence operations include covert surveillance (spying on the enemy), sabotage (disruption of the enemy’s activities), and disinformation (efforts to deceive the enemy and – when it serves the objectives of the counterintelligence program – the public).
“Gang Stalking” is apparently a disinformation term created by U.S. intelligence agencies to refer to the intense, long-term, covert surveillance and harassment of a targeted individual. Such operations have nothing to do with criminal gangs. Official domestic counterintelligence operations of this type are perpetrated by federal agents and contractors, sometimes with the support of state and local law enforcement personnel. The goal of such operations – in the parlance of counterintelligence personnel – is to “subvert” or “neutralize” an individual deemed to be an enemy (or potential enemy).
Arguably, the most accurate term for this form of harassment would be “counterintelligence stalking.” Even that term must be qualified, however, by noting that some of the published news reports linked in this website make clear that the tactics are sometimes used for personal vendettas by people with government connections.
Although the term “gang stalking” is intentionally misleading, it does have one merit: it is accurate in the sense that the perpetrators – law enforcement agencies, intelligence agencies, and private security thugs – do often function in the manner of criminal gangs. Although they sometimes conduct their operations under the color of law, many of their activities have neither constitutional nor moral legitimacy. That is true of all of the likely major perpetrators of organized stalking in the U.S.: the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, U.S. military counterintelligence agencies, state and local Law Enforcement Intelligence Units (LEIUs), and security contractors. All of those groups – and other federal intelligence agencies, such as the CIA and NSA – have well-documented histories of abusing their powers. Info
Counterintelligence is the assessment and countering of threats posed by enemy subversion, espionage, and sabotage. Counterintelligence operations include covert surveillance (spying on the enemy), sabotage (disruption of the enemy’s activities), and disinformation (efforts to deceive the enemy and – when it serves the objectives of the counterintelligence program – the public).
“Gang Stalking” is apparently a disinformation term created by U.S. intelligence agencies to refer to the intense, long-term, covert surveillance and harassment of a targeted individual. Such operations have nothing to do with criminal gangs. Official domestic counterintelligence operations of this type are perpetrated by federal agents and contractors, sometimes with the support of state and local law enforcement personnel. The goal of such operations – in the parlance of counterintelligence personnel – is to “subvert” or “neutralize” an individual deemed to be an enemy (or potential enemy).
Arguably, the most accurate term for this form of harassment would be “counterintelligence stalking.” Even that term must be qualified, however, by noting that some of the published news reports linked in this website make clear that the tactics are sometimes used for personal vendettas by people with government connections.
Although the term “gang stalking” is intentionally misleading, it does have one merit: it is accurate in the sense that the perpetrators – law enforcement agencies, intelligence agencies, and private security thugs – do often function in the manner of criminal gangs. Although they sometimes conduct their operations under the color of law, many of their activities have neither constitutional nor moral legitimacy. That is true of all of the likely major perpetrators of organized stalking in the U.S.: the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, U.S. military counterintelligence agencies, state and local Law Enforcement Intelligence Units (LEIUs), and security contractors. All of those groups – and other federal intelligence agencies, such as the CIA and NSA – have well-documented histories of abusing their powers. Info
induced body-sound onto muscles of eyes by Laser as medical soldering bolt and EM-beams through the eyes and the eyeglasses is the myopia converted into hyperopia from father in the GDR, all from me (healthy nature and so on) is mirror-inverted by Illuminati and Stasi as Liars worldwide for misleading and to deceive the society, then activated as Bullies and Stalkers.
for street gangs like Gangstalkers, thug trupps, drug dealers and Traffickers (Stasi) absolutely tabus are (child) rapists to murder them!
Who all is considered racist in Germany!
Illuminati, Stasi, secret services like my attackers and the society
worldwide as Bullies and Stalkers the effects are more important than
the causes, they are creating. the causes projected to innocent peoples
as victims of them!
worldwide organized Bullies and Stalkers, you live in my past especially in my childhood and youth, use both against me because I supposedly have sinned? very sick!
by me you need money, I will not make it possible!
I don't let me to dazzle, deceive and extort!
Integration of family and psychiatry takes place within the framework of the persecution of masturbation (worldwide official by the society), as happened in my youth and still practiced. masturbation as heaviest offense. due to the Stasi network with their Gangstalkers are since the fall of wall therapists with sexual assault to abusing male minors through me.
girls are only honeytraps and flashbangs for misleading me and to win my trust by delusions to male minors (that is, I should seduce and abuse male minors), girls are running away from me and male minors search my near.
to hell with Carstalking and their
exhaust gases (CO²) to generate lung-/bloodcancer, also the using of
microwaves from mobile phones of nazi-youth and foreigners from africa
to generate brain tumors and cancer.
I have no fear :P
I became officially to a political hostage since 2006 to hedge the espionage worldwide, that means to an medium for purpose, not as tokenism.
it is mainly political, economic and financial reasons of my torturers and the Stasi network, America as financial backer eg. CIA's MKUltra and FBI's CointelPro.
Illuminati steal my intelligence and skills by EM-weapons against the brain (-waves and -pattern) to implant that into different young peoples and or students?!
recorded files sends about satellite to supercomputers (I read that five piece worldwide stationed), analysed and statistics applied for other victims. #patented
psychological and physical murder on time of me because of espionage, EM-weapons and induced body-sound, and my age!
first by financial bankrupt and debts, then by misbehaviour, wrong movements of limbs and joints, and in this way the self-destruction.
my attackers are my savior!
#suggestions by #V2K only in my head!
Stasi, Gangstalkers and Bullies are too harmless and superficial.
Stasi and Gangstalking network against me use the former GDR system and methods
(eg. former snitches to win my trust, punishment, gaslighting, temptations, promises, coercion and blackmailing to sexual abusing children), there were enough incidents repeated today.
they and the operative process were unsuccessful and probably since 1990 transmitted to other targeted individuals, guess: the "CointelPro" of FBI was the starting point of "The Decomposition" from the Stasi, and has been expanded and strengthened.
the many reports of other victims are similar as in the former GDR against me.
It is not imagination or paranoia, but guesses and analyzes.
the Stasi's Decomposition against me since I can think (Kindergarten) will be used at least since the fall of wall against other targeted individuals.
the follows video is the prove.
the Stasi's Decomposition against me since I can think (Kindergarten) will be used at least since the fall of wall against other targeted individuals.
the follows video is the prove.
Stasi network and their Gangstalking system provoke, that I should spend money for shopping and that is shown by signs, such as coughing and or to whip out the credit card or wallet.
girls only for making stress, misleading and to play with my feelings as me as protector, especially in the former GDR because they were not successful as honey trap and for sexual abusing by me!
all are to believe I am a gay as many Stasi agents.
EM-weapons generate against frontal lobe, motor/auditory cortex: eg. retrograde amnesia and anterograde amnesia, ie. retrieve neither able to form new memory contents still stored content. furthermore, memory gaps are filled with faked events or events from past (contents of the Stasi file) by microwaves against auditory/motor cortex and frontal lobe. this is important for radiation-torturers to implanting negative behavior (eg. falsified videos, wernicke/posthypnotic commands and triggers), therefore I do not know what I am doing and or what I must say and to proceed no defenses by me. thus generating debt and pointless spending money projected on me so that I am guilty and so will applying pressure to the network of Stasi and its Gangstalkers for coercion to rape children.
brain has no firewall and blood-brain barrier is broken.
brain has no firewall and blood-brain barrier is broken.
I have to laugh at other fates, perps as devil induce their laughter, scorn and ridicule, eg. own compassion and feelings are prohibited!
#mindcontrol #Dehumanisation #Deprogramming #BlackMedicine #PsyOps
first Stasi snitch(es) from GDR with female t(w)eens and the behaviour of this older system to put trust into my mind. then follows male teen, probably just now 18, with car to contacting me before my flat for wanking/abusing.
if I do that is waiting an thicker thug in background. either I will beaten together or I must beat him to go into prison.
also girls only flashbangs!
also girls only flashbangs!
of false flag operation is follow the next false flag operation, and so on ...
I Must me concentrate to the #Stasi and #Gangstalking network because they use my staged background of GDR, also they prevent my counterintelligence and defensive actions.
from school till exit permit 10/1989: temptations to crimes over musical genres to street child, gay, rent boy, drug / alcohol addicts and antisocial: techno, new wave, blues, punk, pop and synthpop in my leisure,
Heavy metal, rock and rock'n'roll during at working place.
And today it is used to suggest me a career as a musician but the same goal(s) of operative process spread into the society worldwide, especially in america because they have very much money for musicians but not for me as slave (monarch programming/butterfly).
before cameras from ZDF #AngelaMerkel's #Stasi sign with left hand on the ear over and hair to lay back!
I see that sign daily by female Teenagers as Gangstalkers, honeytrap and flashbangs equal nazi-youth.
I have evidence:
Angela Merkel (Angela Dorothea Kasner) was Stasi snitch by her father Horst Kasner, her perennial Significant other Michael Schindhelm, Clemence de Maizière and its Descendants Lothar de Maizière and Thomas de Maiziere, Wolfgang Schnur, Manfred Stolpe, Klaus Gysi and Günther Krause (probably Oscar Lafontaine too) and by Stolpe went there to Matthias Platzeck and Dietmar Woidke (his alleged wife Susanne Seiffert was with my faked sister in a class as honeytrap for me)
Stasiland Brandenburg
Horst Kasner was not a humble priest, but a important man in the GDR church politics, in which he, together with the influential Clemence de Maizière, one of a registered informer of Stasi, the East German plans with churches drove forward, especially the elimination of the Evangelical Church in East Germany of the Evangelical Church of whole Germany. Kasner was a member of the Moscow-controlled Christian Peace Conference (CFRP) and Weißenseer Working Group steered by the Stasi
what I see must I have and buy? thats suggestions and #bullying by #Stasi (snitches) for their #mindcontrol #slavery and #trafficking
since 10/2014 generated/programmed destructions of notebook & other belongings; debts, frauds, scrap-computer buyed by debt, windows 7 and other software are not more running, senseless using of computer equal defense languor (combat of brain-functions and skills)
#mindcontrol #slavery #selfdestruction #selfdecomposition
all that comes from my attackers #Illuminati, german-hater, homosexual communists with EM-weapons and implantation of Stasi-file and operative process from past of the GDR because computer and internet were not exists.
with computer and internet I am too strong, smart and intelligent!
#Stasi and faked mother lure me with heritage / estate which I'll never get because of abusing, slavery, crimes and trafficking!
I Need no more money than now, certainly not the Stasi money (heritage) from Eulo , because I am near on the 50 and set to do everything with little money, because what is Money it is for other (Illuminati, Stasi and traffickers) and not really for me, and just as it looks with families with(out) children!
against Child Abuse? then you're a nazi, or an nazi and child molester! because my attackers and other secret agencies eg. spread this into the society worldwide.
by attackers for the Stasi network programmed request for installation of satellite dish on my flat (03149 Forst, Spremberger Str. 48) by Stasi company Peter Makowski in 03149 Forst, Euloer Str. 282 (Eulo in the near of faked family);
talk into taking a satellite dish from "TechniSat", my existing dish with very good LNB causes no costs / debt / poverty.
moreover mustn't I anyway not pay because of production of debt by my attackers and the Stasi.
Installation denied by Makowski, he rather spoke to the bogus company on the backyard and demanded that the employees should to work faster (in case of rain) or so similar, he showed me the Stasi sign "finger touched the nose" for induced stress and punishment.
it was all programmed by bullying to the homeowner, property manager, and my faked mother because she has connections to the property manager and makowski.
I should therefore turn to the #Stasi company Funk und Technik in 03149 Forst, Sorauer Straße 17 for more costs and debt?
this program took about 30 minutes, as it was then when I had the implant in my stomach.
main thing is for espionage, bullying, blackmailing, discredit, slavery equal mindcontrol and dehumanisation
#Illuminati #mindcontrol
it is (probably) prepared everything in the society worldwide and programmed against me (look at the programs of Gangstalkers and secret services) to use official my skills from the past (GDR) till 10/2014.
eg. computer-knowledge, help at homework (science subjects) to many children, as in schools as teacher?!
skills of:
making music, medicine, criminology, perps-analyse, truth-finder/-speaker, writer, fast learning, psychology, social helper, nature and animal lovers/saver etc.
R.I.P. Michael Jackson is the best example with the past, his bestial father and the reportedly many little guys thereafter.
Michael Jackson resisted the mendacious press which it, eg. had discredited as a child molester
I can confirm that NCIS Los Angeles (you must see) present many truths about criminal activities by Illuminati, CIA, Taliban, KGB and Stasi, smuggling of weapons and humans, and about drug cartels (mexico, afghanistan, albania, poland and russia etc.) equal mafia.
also the using of tiny earpieces and other hearing devices with bluetooth without loopset, connections to satellites and GPS
girls are only flash-bangs to fool me and to win my trust of the male Stasi network #FalseFlagOperation #HVA #MID.
increased and accelerated leading of male youth and or minors by#Stasi network to me with something safety distance! #wankers #gays club
secret services, Stasi network, Gangstalkers, Bullies, Parents and their Children, worldwide:
ONGOING PHYSICAL, PSYCHOLOGICAL, SEXUAL and TECHNOLOGICAL MEANS, so as to MANIPULATE, COERCE and FORCE these horribly emotionally-traumatized victims (like me) to do what they are programmed and forced to do. BULLYING, BLACKMAIL and or being set-up to commit crimes against others. Programming me is easily done...even over the telephone. constantly attempt to program and brutalize the targeted individuals until they are driven to suicide...or are eventually murdered. In any case, their deaths are always 'officially' labeled as suicide. The EVIL, CRIMINAL, SATANIC networks cause intentional life-threatening accidents; they also set up their targets to be scapegoats,
and often program them into false flag operations to kill and or harm OTHER innocent people. The ultimate goal is to destroy or eliminate the targeted individuals and their witnessing of crimes, crimes against humanity and crimes against peace so that the elite and their minions can claim plausible deniability. enslave me under the hatred and control of morally, sexually, spiritually and financially bankrupt and depraved systems.
both, inofficial and official operators with the war against me is the programming of self-deconstruction/-decomposition (look above), whether I should make money (always as bondage and debt) or not!
I have to live in a rundown town (03149 Forst), perfect to combat me by attackers (military), mafia, Stasi & her network!
corruption, operative process
I may not have advantages!
my attackers, #Stasi snitches, #Bullies and #Gangstalkers worldwide must have always the last word and or the last act against me! #fear before me.
worldwide combat of my skills/intelligence by #Bullies and #Stalkers because of hate, envy, revenge and jealousy,
typical motives from dangerous criminals worldwide organized!
everything that happens in my apartment, especially the sounds that are supposed to hear from my inner nature on conspiratorial apartments (safe houses) beside, above and opposite to me (Spremberger Str. 46/48/50 etc. in 03149 Forst), and certainly will be recorded and distributed worldwide (bullying), are artificially generated by induced body-sound and other pressure-waves (ie. Carstalking).
My healthy nature can create never much perverse noises. secret agencies and the Stasi are known to fake everything of her enemies, the main thing is they are always right!
According to this text above, perhaps change the Attackers their methods to negate me again, as always!
#mindcontrol #slavery #selfdestruction #selfdecomposition
all that comes from my attackers #Illuminati, german-hater, homosexual communists with EM-weapons and implantation of Stasi-file and operative process from past of the GDR because computer and internet were not exists.
with computer and internet I am too strong, smart and intelligent!
I Need no more money than now, certainly not the Stasi money (heritage) from Eulo , because I am near on the 50 and set to do everything with little money, because what is Money it is for other (Illuminati, Stasi and traffickers) and not really for me, and just as it looks with families with(out) children!
against Child Abuse? then you're a nazi, or an nazi and child molester! because my attackers and other secret agencies eg. spread this into the society worldwide.
by attackers for the Stasi network programmed request for installation of satellite dish on my flat (03149 Forst, Spremberger Str. 48) by Stasi company Peter Makowski in 03149 Forst, Euloer Str. 282 (Eulo in the near of faked family);
talk into taking a satellite dish from "TechniSat", my existing dish with very good LNB causes no costs / debt / poverty.
moreover mustn't I anyway not pay because of production of debt by my attackers and the Stasi.
Installation denied by Makowski, he rather spoke to the bogus company on the backyard and demanded that the employees should to work faster (in case of rain) or so similar, he showed me the Stasi sign "finger touched the nose" for induced stress and punishment.
it was all programmed by bullying to the homeowner, property manager, and my faked mother because she has connections to the property manager and makowski.
I should therefore turn to the #Stasi company Funk und Technik in 03149 Forst, Sorauer Straße 17 for more costs and debt?
this program took about 30 minutes, as it was then when I had the implant in my stomach.
main thing is for espionage, bullying, blackmailing, discredit, slavery equal mindcontrol and dehumanisation
#Illuminati #mindcontrol
it is (probably) prepared everything in the society worldwide and programmed against me (look at the programs of Gangstalkers and secret services) to use official my skills from the past (GDR) till 10/2014.
eg. computer-knowledge, help at homework (science subjects) to many children, as in schools as teacher?!
skills of:
making music, medicine, criminology, perps-analyse, truth-finder/-speaker, writer, fast learning, psychology, social helper, nature and animal lovers/saver etc.
R.I.P. Michael Jackson is the best example with the past, his bestial father and the reportedly many little guys thereafter.
Michael Jackson resisted the mendacious press which it, eg. had discredited as a child molester
I can confirm that NCIS Los Angeles (you must see) present many truths about criminal activities by Illuminati, CIA, Taliban, KGB and Stasi, smuggling of weapons and humans, and about drug cartels (mexico, afghanistan, albania, poland and russia etc.) equal mafia.
also the using of tiny earpieces and other hearing devices with bluetooth without loopset, connections to satellites and GPS
see it self!
girls are only flash-bangs to fool me and to win my trust of the male Stasi network #FalseFlagOperation #HVA #MID.
increased and accelerated leading of male youth and or minors by
Guess ~ the hand signals and other signs of Gangstalkers:
they are representing my childhood in the former GDR and my faked parents!
e.g. forced poses that I am homophobic by stoop and show her buttocks from male older informants to be manipulate me as gay and child molester by male/female minors from older informants as faked parents of me.
Child molesters and or assfuckers (Stalkers with back to me for coercion, seduction and blackmail that I am an child molester).
as Stasi snitch / secret agent I was supposedly active: coughing, yawn, cleaning the nose, touching the nose, swallow;
look at the clock (KGB?! russian christmas gift);
scratching head (guilty conscience persuading and thoughtful because I am not obeyed).
from my father (Stasi snitch) in GDR: strip of hair back (back combed hair with a receding hairline) and straighten of polluted eyeglasses.
scratching ears comes from my faked mother in the GDR as she kept saying as a admonishment: "that you can write you behind the ears"
Stalkers dig into pockets, wallets or the shopping cart I am an theft / robber (coercion, seduction and blackmail)
it's all for bullying, discredit, charackter assassination, soft/slow/silence kill by inducing of my past in the former GDR ~PsyOPs
they are representing my childhood in the former GDR and my faked parents!
e.g. forced poses that I am homophobic by stoop and show her buttocks from male older informants to be manipulate me as gay and child molester by male/female minors from older informants as faked parents of me.
Child molesters and or assfuckers (Stalkers with back to me for coercion, seduction and blackmail that I am an child molester).
as Stasi snitch / secret agent I was supposedly active: coughing, yawn, cleaning the nose, touching the nose, swallow;
look at the clock (KGB?! russian christmas gift);
scratching head (guilty conscience persuading and thoughtful because I am not obeyed).
from my father (Stasi snitch) in GDR: strip of hair back (back combed hair with a receding hairline) and straighten of polluted eyeglasses.
scratching ears comes from my faked mother in the GDR as she kept saying as a admonishment: "that you can write you behind the ears"
Stalkers dig into pockets, wallets or the shopping cart I am an theft / robber (coercion, seduction and blackmail)
it's all for bullying, discredit, charackter assassination, soft/slow/silence kill by inducing of my past in the former GDR ~PsyOPs
if I do these criminal acts the daily ever-changing Gang Stalkers with their lies is the win of their cases
as lynch-mob/-justice and use torture methods of the secret services that take place in my home, like with microwaves from mobile phone, WLAN, DECT, Bluetooth, BOS-Funk, amateur-funk, satellite etc. but cover-up official in the public the weapons of mind-control from secret services.
as lynch-mob/-justice and use torture methods of the secret services that take place in my home, like with microwaves from mobile phone, WLAN, DECT, Bluetooth, BOS-Funk, amateur-funk, satellite etc. but cover-up official in the public the weapons of mind-control from secret services.
blocking my cable connection (TV) because 5€ to want sneak the company Tischer in 03149 Forst, Krummer Weg 25. chef uses former snitches from school for this. he threatened to beat me, this comes from the former GDR (school in Eulo 8. POS, only Stasi informants against me from the first till tenth class).
secret services, Stasi network, Gangstalkers, Bullies, Parents and their Children, worldwide:
ONGOING PHYSICAL, PSYCHOLOGICAL, SEXUAL and TECHNOLOGICAL MEANS, so as to MANIPULATE, COERCE and FORCE these horribly emotionally-traumatized victims (like me) to do what they are programmed and forced to do. BULLYING, BLACKMAIL and or being set-up to commit crimes against others. Programming me is easily done...even over the telephone. constantly attempt to program and brutalize the targeted individuals until they are driven to suicide...or are eventually murdered. In any case, their deaths are always 'officially' labeled as suicide. The EVIL, CRIMINAL, SATANIC networks cause intentional life-threatening accidents; they also set up their targets to be scapegoats,
and often program them into false flag operations to kill and or harm OTHER innocent people. The ultimate goal is to destroy or eliminate the targeted individuals and their witnessing of crimes, crimes against humanity and crimes against peace so that the elite and their minions can claim plausible deniability. enslave me under the hatred and control of morally, sexually, spiritually and financially bankrupt and depraved systems.
both, inofficial and official operators with the war against me is the programming of self-deconstruction/-decomposition (look above), whether I should make money (always as bondage and debt) or not!
I have to live in a rundown town (03149 Forst), perfect to combat me by attackers (military), mafia, Stasi & her network!
corruption, operative process
I may not have advantages!
my attackers, #Stasi snitches, #Bullies and #Gangstalkers worldwide must have always the last word and or the last act against me! #fear before me.
worldwide combat of my skills/intelligence by #Bullies and #Stalkers because of hate, envy, revenge and jealousy,
typical motives from dangerous criminals worldwide organized!
everything that happens in my apartment, especially the sounds that are supposed to hear from my inner nature on conspiratorial apartments (safe houses) beside, above and opposite to me (Spremberger Str. 46/48/50 etc. in 03149 Forst), and certainly will be recorded and distributed worldwide (bullying), are artificially generated by induced body-sound and other pressure-waves (ie. Carstalking).
My healthy nature can create never much perverse noises. secret agencies and the Stasi are known to fake everything of her enemies, the main thing is they are always right!
According to this text above, perhaps change the Attackers their methods to negate me again, as always!
Satanism and ritual abuse in the context of left-wing extremism and international terrorism
its for me forbidden at time to write anything on my different accounts because of injected negative behaviour (mind control). (programmed writing by commands against brain)
its for me forbidden at time to write anything on my different accounts because of injected negative behaviour (mind control). (programmed writing by commands against brain)
from the view of perps (network of Stasi, gang stalkers, the society and secret services worldwide) I am e.g. mentally retarded, but this is produced by EM-weapons and the (laser-)induced (body) sound, also the alleged laziness, sloth and unlust.
"I have not myself positive/healthy/good educated and need so much the education of Stasi, Illuminati and the Society with mindcontrol, electronical Harassment, Gangstalking, Bullying and Brainwashing, also the Reprogramming, Dehumanization and lasting punishment worldwide."
I can't leave my place of residence, all over persecute me the so-called hitler-youth, incited and manipulated by parents and illuminati (former Stasi and KGB, other secret services and guess: east bloc mafia) with bullying and gang stalking worldwide.
moreover, it is a pity for me to give out money for travelling and to move out from my flat!
I need no more money for travelling or so, its ok my situation as Whistleblower.
free yourself from mental slavery
break the chains of violence
don't let the guide in a wrong direction
free yourself from disgrace
free yourself from the suppression
free yourself from the chains of exploitation
free yourself other through suicide as protest!
from the view of perps (network of Stasi, gang stalkers, the society and secret services worldwide) I am e.g. mentally retarded, but this is produced by EM-weapons and the (laser-)induced (body) sound, also the alleged laziness, sloth and unlust.
"I have not myself positive/healthy/good educated and need so much the education of Stasi, Illuminati and the Society with mindcontrol, electronical Harassment, Gangstalking, Bullying and Brainwashing, also the Reprogramming, Dehumanization and lasting punishment worldwide."
I can't leave my place of residence, all over persecute me the so-called hitler-youth, incited and manipulated by parents and illuminati (former Stasi and KGB, other secret services and guess: east bloc mafia) with bullying and gang stalking worldwide.
moreover, it is a pity for me to give out money for travelling and to move out from my flat!
I need no more money for travelling or so, its ok my situation as Whistleblower.
offenders are the so-called hitler youth (school age/teens) with bullying,
gang stalking and agitation, influenced by Stasi (parents) and #Illuminati against me as mortal enemy of society worldwide with allegedly perverse sexual inclinations and intentions.
I have some weaknesses, based on my childhood, but I have the control over without programs of perps with methods of mind control and programmed/implanted negative behaviour.
free yourself from mental slavery
break the chains of violence
don't let the guide in a wrong direction
free yourself from disgrace
free yourself from the suppression
free yourself from the chains of exploitation
free yourself other through suicide as protest!
The goals of organized gang stalking are to: Provoke the victim to commit an asault so they will be arrested; Make the victim seem mentally ill or delusional so they are institutionalized; or make the victim so depressed they become suicidal (if they don’t die first of a heart attack or a stroke from the severe stress).
my intimate sphere is used by all offenders worldwide versus me for extortion of confession & manipulation of sexual abusing, also they're used my intimate sphere for programming & reprogramming of my life & the behaviour, also the paralyses/punishment of me.
all offenders worldwide against me have positive intentions for me?
I believe this not, because their heavy offenses destroying me until death!
you use your children?
what shall that!
Gangstalkers know where I am and what road I walk along, they leave houses when I pass it.
my Mother was a Pediatrician, has me betrayed, decomposed and abused, also today yet. She collaborates with:
Internists, psychiatrists, Oculist and Dentists. These work together with Hospital Forst (Lausitz), Clinics in Potsdam, Psychiatry Spremberg, CTK Cottbus, Charite Berlin, whose connections are world wide.
the typical diagnose of my supposed illness is defined:
paranoid schizophrenia.
Reports and medical Examinations are faked and protected from Berlin until in the USA.
I'm Gundolf Matheus from Germany and I'm a Targeted Individual made by Stasi in the former GDR since my birth. Bullying, Gangstalking, Blacklisting, Gaslighting, Cyberbullying and Cyberstalking worldwide.
TargetedIndividual since birth (1966), EM-Waves versus Brain, Organs, Laser-controlled Eyes, Gangstalking,
I'm isolated from faked family, also from society (not fake).
spionage with lasermicrophone and EM-waves produce noisy pop sounds in the body, mental Illness.
the weapons measured the inner body sound, the movement of organs, blood pressure/flow, heart beat, breathing, vibrations of muscles, thickness of bones, the brainwaves, the mind and thinking, brain functions, signals of nerves/brain, and so on.
Laser and modulated pressure waves on my organs and microwave against brain, head and eyes.
I'm alive, but not health by perps with sending commands for suicide, murder and money give out.
laserweapon is providing for expansions of tissue, then arise thermoelastic pressure waves. with laser as thermal imaging to measured.
the implant is left in the stomach by converted sound waves from microwaves. I get so much microwaves, mainly in the stomach territory.
Laser induced ultrasound by laser and airborne sound forms trigger points as knot in the muscle fibers.
laser generated and induced ultrasound through my muscles gives me unstable locomotion on my bike and also as pedestrian.
I’m a victim of Lasermicrophone with invisible infrared laser, generated ultrasound as stress making and microwaves for producing cancer. Microwaves are not from microwellen oven, but the frequencies are the same with much power of beam. the generated and induced ultrasound comes from beam of laser and the penetrates to the muscles (until 4.72 inch) and let the muscles vibrate, then are generated sound waves with much power of pressure waves.
Stalker probably use induction loops, Bluetooth and mobile phones. Everything points to microwave radio relay.
Laser Microphone, RF/microwave signal generator and waveform signal generator is modulated GSM microwaves, infrasound and laser beams.
Perpetrators and their shifts:
Early shift 04.00 - 13.00 clock
Late shift 13.00 - 20.00 clock
Night shift 20.00 - 04.00 clock
The human body and its organs emit body sound that is not in the audible range. Muscle vibrates and the laser microphone takes this and converts these vibrations into sounds via software. The perpetrators can this record at different frequencies and modulated by invisible laser beam resend. Also, microwave can be used to penetrate the human body, and record together with the laser beam, the muscle vibrations. These vibrations are then transmitted back and used as a torture method in which the negative muscle vibrates because the natural vibration returned infiltrated / superimposed.
what I see the perps manipulate and reply to this on my muscles of eye with their Laserweapon and modulated Pressurewaves
Since I currently prefer the chest breathing against the abdominal breathing and this is about chest muscles instead, have the perps of this quickly captured by the infiltration my muscles they affect the chest muscles, which leads to an unnatural chest breathing. However, it is not life threatening, etc. but these perps nerves.
Inducing laser radiation by laser body sound transmitter (Lasermicrophone) and modulated radio frequencies as Microwaves and Soundsignals
Victim of bullying I am:
lazy and comfortable, thick, depressed and suicidal disposition, Schizophrenia, suffering from delusions of persecution, gay but gay hostile, Pedophiles, a sex offender, thief and arsonist, a terrorist, right-wing, do not stress resistant and unteachable, have worked in the GDR for the Stasi, etc.
laser microphone is a body sound level meter, which also sends modulated sound back. Sound waves are created in the body.
the body, when it receives vibrations caused by the transmitter, inflates like a balloon. trigger points are created in the form of bubbles
these trigger points in the muscles caused by the transmitter from laser microphone. there are air bubbles strengthen the inner body sound
I as orphan by Illuminati today as víctim of Humantraffickers of east block and former GDR
GDR: politically motivated child abduction and the consequent forced adoptions in new system-abiding families.
Orphans: many thousand of childrens, parents in political prison, were placed in homes and were not taught because of their age
Forced adoptions were not only political reasons. They often occurred under the guise of anti-social §249 of the Criminal Code of the GDR
forced adoption against me with guise of anti-social §249 of the Criminal Code of the GDR, today as anti-social TI in capitalism
if I'm driving my bike the perps shoot against my knees and heart
Offenders use programmable Synthesizer / Function Generator (slave to program, voice of robot), this is also used as software, RF and microwave signal generator (microwaves & electric shocks vs. brain/muscles) and waveform generator to sound torture (also as software). The waveform generator can send sound waves modulated with infrared laser (as infrared stage microphone), infrared laser has more power.
Gangstalking & Isolation:
This is done via slander campaigns, and lies. Eg. People in the targets community are told that the target is a thief, into drugs, a prostitute, pedophile, crazy, in trouble for something, needs to be watched. False files will even be produced on the target, shown to neighbours, family, store keepers.
The next technique discussed is disruption of motor control using a very fast pulse (nanasecond) at around the brain alpha frequency (15Hz). This causes disruption of the corticospinal pathways leading to muscle weakness, intense muscle spasms and loss of consciousness depending on the exact frequency. Also discussed is the effect of intense levels of sound (140-155dB) which can be used to cause spasmodic motion of the eyes and nausea. Finally the report covers the effects of exposure to high intensity laser radiation.
Bioeffects of Selected Nonlethal Weapons
I will monitored around the clock by the dutch foreign intelligence, they are working together with BND and be protected in germany
dutch collaborated with former Stasi
The Program or Targeted Individual
Laserweapon and Microwaves against my cigarettes, perps are shooting the embers
its alwyas the same with perps on days, the laserweapon with their microwaves against my nature (muscles, brain, head, eyes, feets and organs). electroshocks, pressure- and soundwaves produce negative vibrations and movements
V2K as order to produce liabilities (monetary expenditure).
perps use other peoples at society for Mobbing, Bullying, Harassment or another psychological warfare
cyberbullying by proxy
I have to be terminally ill
stress-building: by higher dose of laser, microwaves and soundwaves
stress-reducing: by lower dose of microwaves, laser and soundwaves results heart attacks, dementia, high blood pressure, schizophrenia, produce suicide with depression and more diseases of mindcontrol
thats and more negative facts or under-settings projected about bullying/mobbing at my natural
laser through my body, especially my head and eyes
muscles of body are vibrating and the modulated wavesignals are infiltrated this; its feels as air and bloated my body
invisible infrared laser through my eyes, these vibrate and electroshocks against the eyelids
Swords to Plowshares, Illuminati to Draftanimals
Swords and spears into pruning hooks
Peace without Weapons
(Swords are DEW's and other weapons)
the Mind has no Firewall
Psychotronic and Electromagnetic Weapons: Remote Control of the Human Nervous System
What is a Targeted Individual? What is the Targeted Individual Program?
TI program
Technologies and History of Directed Energy Weapons
I'm a healthy human who has never committed offenses, the lynch mob aka Stasi informers claims I'm an offender and rushes against me!
Illuminati Stasi network: lynch mob are informers with slander, the accusations spread and become very real violence to leave.
tomorrow is my b/day but I feel not good as I would this day, the perps not considerate
infrared laser with modulated soundwaves (waveform) as bodysound, infrasound and ultrasound through the body openings and pores of skin inducing as air in the human body. its not delusion!
sensory overload: perps seeing that as mental illness and muscular tenseness with depression and suicide symptoms.
perps use the refrigerator of the target person, bombard him with radio frequencies/laserweapon and use it as a booster for espionage and electro shocks. He defrosted overnight and jumps to when the target person enters the kitchen.
despite freeze lowest level icebergs occur.
perps manipulate me into debt and I'll be highly indebted!
the service of my homepage isnt good and would to be disabled, but my blog is always current.
perps search by laser scanning daily for weaknesses from the victim and will reinforce it by microwave and electroshocks, notably after toilets visits or strolls.
Mind Controlled Sex Slaves And The CIA
How The NSA Harasses Thousands Of Law Abiding Americans Daily By The Usage Of Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM)
Illuminati, World War III Plan Revealed
my voice and movements are like a robot by programable RFID transponder and the laserweapon through infrasound with much power.
RFID tag shoot by microwave and laser weapon destroy by electricshocks the human brain and his memory, produce alzheimer!
EW Europe 2013 (May): Advancing Electronic Warfare and Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations
perps send microwaves to the sympathetic at heart and negative frequencies to the brain, I get manic rampaging restrained, it should look like withdrawal symptoms, but I'm 14 years abstinent.
perps using wireless ISM-band, Yagi directional antenna frequency of 865-870 MHz bearing i.a. the microwave weapon!
neighbors get order in the house by wireless infrared or microwaves, the torture against me is high and they call by cell phone presumably to their acquaintances, friends or family, then they start the monitoring against me as stalker. Very high public traffic in the house. full power of electricity and infrasound against my body and head.
the embers of the cigarette is shot by infrared laser with much power and modulated radio frequencies through my mouth!
the flooring of my living room (he is manipulated, measured and prepared) vibrates any more because it is bombarded with pressure waves by laserweapon with high level of db, I get these pressure waves from below always in the lower limbs in the head. abnormal movements. Chemtrails by pressure waves comes from my neighbor above me.
the perps with her laser microphone intrigues me and thereby incite against me on antisocial humans. my movements are unnatural through the bombardment by waves of pressure/infrasound against the joints and limbs, feels as limp-wristed and a slingshot doll. I want to manipulate asocial, assisted living, caged, exploitation and enslavement!
Illuminati pls leave my life & nature! you comes with control but you dont break my soul! its useless, go away! Attention my nature is too strong!
your weapons can kill me but I have no fear and let the childs as our precious offspring in silence!
StopChildAbuse StopSexTrafficking of childs StopEastblockMafia StopAntifants StopLeftists StopCommunists StopIlluminati
perps against me with their weapons, especially sounds and vibrations generated by waveform signal generator fighting vs. my muscles disturb movement activities. its heavy for me reasonable to move. suicide is not apparently provided but this is their program. perps are inscrutable.
Thanks on my visitors .
I'm back from a long distance to the perps to gain new strength and energy. The perps are everywhere but too stupid for me to fight successfully against me.
I'm health and strong but I dont see how the perps are doing in the future.
#staystrong #godbless me
Laserweapon with clock speed this is modulated by HF/Microwave Signalgenerator - microwaves as electrostatic shocks:
The resulting electric shock to paralyze the sensory and motor nervous system of the target person and make them unable to move. The muscles of the person to be taken immediately paralyzed and put out of action for about a minute, according to the manufacturer's instructions. In animal experiments on pigs, these data could not be confirmed. The output pulse is within the normative limits within which no ventricular fibrillation should be triggered. Indeed, it is not yet scientifically established whether the current electric pulse weapons can cause cardiac arrhythmia or ventricular fibrillation. The action is divided into extreme, painful, acute pain (secured effect) Burns (current marks) due to the influence of muscles and nerves in the current path temporary paralysis of seconds to minutes-duration (unsecured effect) Fall injury (depending on the circumstances), especially head injuries from falls by eliminating normally engaging protective reflexes (the problems are equivalent to problems with falls in epilepsy) and as a further secondary effects possible hyperventilation (probably due to the extreme pain and extreme stress) and consequent effects (see below) In animal experiments acidosis, so acidification of the blood. This action is to report for the U.S. Department of Justice also held responsible for subsequent deaths after the use of stun guns. Late effects: nonspecific anxiety Anxiety looming in similar situations
Sometimes lethal assaults utilizing directed radio frequencies to produce a variety of harmfuleffects on the human mind and body such as pain induction, heart attacks, cancers, strokes, headaches, nausea, disorientation, synthetic telepathy and more.
Stalking and harassment perpetrated upon an individual by a networked group of people. Every facet of the targeted individual’s life is affected by the harassers including workplace environment, business contacts, finances, friendships, family relationships, even acquaintances and strangers. Nearly all social contacts are re-positioned against the targeted individual until he/she is made to feel totally isolated and alone. Job losses lead many to financial ruin. The goal is to totally destroy the victim’s life.Some signs of being a victim:Workplace harassment, Isolation from friends and family, Excessive instances of rude behavior from strangers Surreptitious, home entry while one is away Inexplicable, pains or heating of skin or internal organs.
signs of victims as example is:
Isolation from friends and family, but I'm inofficial isolated, official the perps use my official family (mother), I was forced adopted, thats the begin of #mindcontrol because my mother was a employee of Stasi and had before the contract to poison me as she was child doctor (TOXDAT study), today they cover up and feign the savior as money maker! Brainwashing
Bullying by Antifa(nts)/Leftists: when I was a Stasi employee I would be either dead, disabled, active as smuggler, adopted by other intelligence agencies (CIA, KGB, MI6) or uninteresting for espionage and Mindcontrol.
I'm healthy and have no withdrawal symptoms or committed offenses and a clean leadership certificate!
the Offenders comes with chemtrails!
which offender or mental patient requires mind control, bullies or stalker? there are mental illnesses, where you yourself cant have this what suggest me the perps or to give me? I believe not! Mindcontrol and false friends from perps sends, older perps have groomed co2 capsules at the empty neighbor apartment or above/beside of me installed, gases in my apartment by microwave/pressure waves (infrasound) can drive and also cause fires with lighter or fumes of drugs/alchol.
politically motivated children withdrawal of the former GDR, it was at that time and I am affected! the perps cover up this. the former hijacker falsely suggesting today physician and savior and use Mindcontrol to cover up their offenses! I was officially forced adopted, unofficially it was actually a child abduction, it happened under forced anticipation of physical mother!
RFIDtag = Devil sign, that remind you of the 13th chapter of Revelation from John, the last book of the Bible. This is a mark of the speech, which must be worn in the end of all people, may to participate in the trade and social life!I did it because I was supposed to retire from the company and tend to offenses, thus its suggested that I need this implant and espionage (illegal) to prevent crime! the society is use to prevent offenses official by career!
I'm an alleged sexual offender and have raped womens (rush by leftists and gays), I'm going through mind control to made as a gay! gay perps by their hounding against me and women with lies by #Bullying so I'll gay and adapt so myself! the gay perps rush me against womens with their lies on! thats #Illuminati #Communists #Leftists -the womens are thinking I'm a abuser! #Mindcontrol the perps live in a false world see nothing real and interpret all wrong what the target person concerned! on #TI symptoms and manipulations I can recognize the wrong world of #Mindcontrol & the splitting of awareness, but my soul cant be broken!
negatives produce more money as positive things: Satanic ritual Abuse
Illuminati: TI's or Victims have generally a negative image for Mindcontrol with implants to perform! thats produce much money! passive RFID implant for house arrest of offenses, but I have no accomplished, because I'm still clean! by Bullying I'm already a Offender!
Offenders use programmable Synthesizer / Function Generator (slave to program, voice of robot), this is also used as software, RF and microwave signal generator (microwaves & electric shocks vs. brain/muscles) and waveform generator to sound torture (also as software). The waveform generator can send sound waves modulated with infrared laser (as infrared stage microphone), infrared laser has more power.
Update (01/09/2013)
Implant is a RFID transmitter which by waves of vibrations or pressure receives and his data
sends to the station near my house (construction container as camouflage)
I know where the Offenders with their weapons are active!
each of my movements or activities are sent to the chip. stalkers have a microearpiece (infrared/magnetic) and be targeted.
programmable RFID tag is transmitted through radio frequencies with commands and sends them as electrical signals to the nerve cells in the brain.
Update of 12/22/2012
the perps with their laserweapon and the neighbor above me with his microwave weapon produce suicidal symptoms to xmas, let see how this end but I'm a victim for the suicidal programs not for the career how this the perps to suggest. the suicidal programs come with self-injury measures of burning, cutting and suicide with me at the society cover-up as career, these is also a fiction!
my flat is fully under electricity, heating body, cabinet, walls and ceiling, kitchenware, sink and all that is metal!
My life is coming to the end! the perps are lying positives to bring this in the society by bullying at the stalkers and the authorities, maximum cover-delusional!
I survive xmas but the symptoms are produce later and slowly but what the perps are play on this comes later. they try out my reactions and play a bad game.
sounds and other signals can be send by inductive coupling of powerline and their frequencies of line (50/60Hz), the brain is like a capacitor and will recharge by inductive coupling by microwave/ laserweapons and also the commands sent above!
I have no post-traumatic stress disorder or so, its existent only by Bullying and Gang Stalkers. I'm absolutely healthy, I like the truth and the perps dont like this!!!
DEW/ microwave weapons producing physical symptoms: palpitations, tremor, cold sweat, shortness of breath, nausea and fainting, thats see as PTSD!!!
Directed-energy weapon (DEW)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Directed-energy_weaponWhat Happened to Eileen? female TI with the same Acts and Methods!
http://share.snacktools.com/5A78D7CF8D6/fdkf6mmcpsychological espionage with laser microphone, GSM and SAT Frequency, electric Fields (Induction, KGB methods) and in the area by radio frequencies of amateur, authorities and taxi (funk). all Stalker of the Gang are informed about privacy of target person by funk/radio frequencies.
stalker use a hearing aid with integrated telephone coil for their commands and stalking! this is targeted via microwave radio relay, perps with their weapons of microwave and espionage lying at approximately 2.45 GHz, range of wlan, bluetooth and microwave oven!
Laser weapon is like the speed detection or surveying, noise to be converted yet.
alleged illness: major depressive disorder with suicidal or delusional symptoms and Catatonia
against me:
Common Programs Observed in Survivors of Satanic Ritualistic Abuse
http://ritualabuse.us/ritualabuse/articles/common-programs-observed-in-survivors-of-satanic-ritualistic-abuse/new: Targeted Individuals Gangstalking And Directed Energy Weapons (A Scriptural Perspective)
http://peopleofyahuwah.wordpress.com/2012/11/03/targeted-individuals-gangstalking-and-directed-energy-weapons-a-scriptural-perspective-yahuwah/shopping a Laser Weapon?
Mindcontrol, Illuminati, em-Torture, Laserweapon and more:
Example? Michael Jackson with the Scandals!
Illuminati & MKUltra, Mindcontrol, Artichoke, MKDelta
Rihanna, Britney Spears, Beyonce, Miley Cyrus, Lady Gaga etc.
Humantrafficking is also a part of Mindcontrol.
Six men arrested in San Antonio for trafficking 12 year old Girl (its very evil)
Help support Freedom Youth Project Foundation against trafficking of childrenhttp://www.freedomyouthproject.org/
#StopHumanTrafficking #StopHarassment #StopBullying #StopSexTrafficking
Perps have a Head of reinforced concrete and a Heart of Iron.
psychiatric Methods are involved of the former East Germany, Russia, China, Britain and the United States! Example: Moscow Medical University (Dept. Psycho-Correction) by greed and research relations to America.
Destroying healthy Nature through Torture of Psychiatry ...
Perps attack when the target person is weakest, early Morning and in the evening. So while eating, personal hygiene, sleep in, watch TV, sitting at computer, cook and in the shop. taken in these situations of daily life increased electric shocks, about equally with sensitization by acoustic activity (increased traffic, noise from neighboring flats, reinforced by the vibration sensor).
My past, the life and this activities are the motive and alibi of the perps to take action against me as a gangstalker.
private Detective confirmed my information on microwaves, laser microphone and vibration sensor, but it's expensive!
heart attacks and misfires are slowly generated by diffuse scattering of the laserbeams, microwaves and the microwave vibration sensor!
I've discovered the perps with their weapons (see with my eyes) and methods, so they hide behind my healthy nature, being manipulated my nature in the foreground through increased production of diseases. Its worldwide knowing that produced their weapons diseases (cancer, heart attack, leukemia, schizophrenia, depression, suicide), so they hide their weapons behind my nature! Distraction, Cover-up and disinformation to be built in.
Spying on radio Frequency 50 Hz, Vibration sensor is stimulated as by 50 Hz, Heartrate is generally higher than 50 Hz, So cover-up the sensor and declared as pacemaker, thus also a murdering cover-up!
Organised Stalking, Cause Stalking, Multi-Stalking, Community Mobbing, Cybermobbing
systemic control of life and harassment (electronic harassment)
electric shocks by microwave against the muscles
sound torture by microwave vibration sensor and making laser infrared broom
Worldwide organized Network of Human traders need new slaves, mind control techniques, absolute obedience, oppression and drill, resistance interruption, extortion confession, lifelong extortion, work up to the maximum depletion,
induce psychosis and other mental illnesses,
Extortion and debt bondage
total control of the target person in the mental, temperamentally, physical and spiritual areas, Brain areas!
laser microphone seen over my house, this weapon may not fail or lose the mind control project, therefore more social isolation, stronger induction of mental diseases and deadly diseases, increased blackmail and coercion to sexual offenses, increase the credibility in the society, determination, courage, and natural inner strength must be broken, microwave vibration sensor (microchip) as laserbeam and sensor of negative vibrations (body sounds as activity) is used as booster
generation of trigger points in the muscles by the vibration sensor and muscle tenseness by long-lived laser beam
child abuser because prove forged in the earliest childhood through visual encounters with bathing children and displayed in the intimate sphere via video fake.
these videos are given in circular backer use this to blackmail a child molester - fang premiums
to operate economically in secret, there is a systematic reprogramming, which extinguishes the offenses in the target person and no memories exist because everything under the pretext of stress cleardown
for criminalization and extortion to me always be used childrens who grow up in poor families, because rich putting their children not in as romeo chime. its very easy for the offenders thus to blackmail me because the poor need money and do everything for that.
Thus, the alleged child molester look like this, they think and act.
why is his healthy body, healthy look and forged with the above methods, so that a hostile combat can take place.
Prove fake sold world wide due to greed of the underground (mafia) have more rights as an alleged enemy known child molester.
Not secret is the putative career but one secret destruction takes place through labor.
who provides child for disposal, so that rape can occur when the target person is healthy?
So there is a supposedly deadly disease and also the fang premiums.
Bullying Treason Lynch-Justice Lynch-Mord
It's like the middle Ages, Witch-hunts, the Inquisition and the Stake!
Is knowning to Public that Bullying leads to Suicide, especially when Human Traffickers are active in the Eastern Bloc.
There is nowhere such severe criminals and certainly not with such a low threshold!
They are all physical Activities, no medical!
theoretical learning process is disturbed by microwave to the brain waves (depression, contradictoriness)
practical learning process is a low or positive brain wave influencing (forced labor and monetary production, material interests)
brain waves are:
There is scientific evidence not only that brain waves measured it also can be influenced. So measured data are amplified and subliminal sent back on brain waves.
inter alia, Espionage is used to send received data as the disease on the target person to blackmail.
Offenders/Handlers/Programmers dont tolerate contradiction and resistance!
Slave, Wavie and suppressed forever.
Programming to Suicide!
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